Lawyers in Norway

Norwegian lawyers and business in a nutshell Innovation is encouraged in Norway and it is easy and attractive to do business in Norway. A high level of entrepreneurs and innovators, an excellent infrastructure and a highly competent workforce, are some of the reasons why foreign companies choose to do business in Norway. Norway is one […]
Holiday rights and holiday pay in Norway

1. INTRODUCTION Minimum holiday rights are laid down in the Holiday Act of 29th April 1988 No. 21. Derogation from the Act is only permitted in so far as the Act specifically provides. Any agreement which derogates from the Act to the detriment of the employee must be in writing. Many collective agreements – including […]
Amendments in the Working Environment Act

Preamble On 9 December 2022, amendments were made to the Working Environment Act with the aim of expanding the right to full-time employment. The changes came into force on 1 January 2023. Full-time means normal working hours in the relevant profession, professional group or industry. New normative provision A new provision has been added in […]
The board members’ responsibility for information given to investors

On 22 December 2022, the Supreme Court ruled in a dispute regarding board members’ liability under the Companies Act. Investors claimed damages from the board members for incorrect or incomplete information. Board members are responsible for ensuring that factual information is correct. The investors themselves must bear the risk of expectations about future. The plaintiffs […]