Morten Berg


Morten Berg has a background as a district court judge in Nord-Troms district court in Tromsø in the period 1998 – 2016, and as a lawyer in private practice from 2016. Before being appointed as a judge, he has, among other things, been a university lecturer, deputy judge/constituted judge and worked in the administration and the police.

As a lawyer, Morten Berg has particularly worked with contract law, company and foundation law, employment law and real estate, and regularly litigates before the courts in these areas. He also has a solid natural science background (cand. scient.), and likes to take on assignments that require insight into natural science/technology.

Work experience ​

2020 – d.d.
Partner Advokatfirmaet Nova DA
2016 – 2020
Partner Oslo advokatfellesskap and Advokatkollegiet Kindem & Co
1998 – 2016
Judge, Nord-Troms tingrett
1997 – 1998
Police attorney, Troms politidistrikt
Advisor, Fylkesmannen i Troms
Judge, Nord-Troms herredsrett
Deputy judge, Nord-Troms herredsrett
1994 – 1996
Deputy judge Valdres sorenskriverembete
1992 – 1994
Advisor, Tromsø lærerhøgskole
Advisor, Universitetet i Tromsø
1990 – 1992
Advisor, Forsvarsdepartementet


1985 -1990
Cand. scient., Universitetet of Oslo
1981 – 1988
Cand. jur., Universitetet of Oslo
1979 – 1980
M/A III, Sjøkrigsskolen

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